Your City.
Your Vote.
The amount of people that actually vote for the the Mayor of Minneapolis and our elected city officials is actually quite alarming.
More people need to VOTE. This is our city and the people that hold elected positions represent YOU - the tax payers. Put November 5th on your calendar and make sure you VOTE. Minneapolis will be using a system called Ranked Choice Voting. You will be voting for more than one person and it can be confusing if you're not familiar with how it works. Below is a one-sheet on the process.
Minneapolis Ranked Choice One-Sheet.
You can try Ranked Choice Voting by using the virtual ballot tool on the city's website HERE.
Watch the City of Minneapolis's video on Ranked Choice Voting below.
It's important that you express your VOTE on November 5th. Several positions will be voted on including the Mayor of Minneapolis. No, I'm not running... I'm happy being the Mayor of Minneapolis After Dark, but I am opinionated and you will see me at the voter lines.
- The Official Vote Minneapolis Page is http://vote.minneapolismn.gov/
- You can find your polling place by using the online tool HERE.
You can also view your polling place on the map and list below.
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